
It's official...

I'm unemployed. Well, not exactly. I got laid off from my job and my last day is next week sometime. My job went to India. Ugh. I like the people of India. I liked the 2 weeks that I visited there in 1999. But, I don't like them stealing my job.

So, the next logical question is....should I be a stay at home mom or find another job?

I'm not a kid person. I am not naturally drawn to children. I don't speak their language. I'm not a silly person - which is what my son likes.

So, maybe I should go back to work and earn some money for the fam.



Happy Birthday Cassidy!

Yes, today would have been Cassidy's 15th birthday. I guess I'm the only one who remembers when her birthday is.

This is my beloved Cassidy. I miss her so. What a wonderful and loyal cat.
She slept on my bed every night in high school. At times, she was my only friend - at least the only friend who understood me. She would lick away the tears that fell so freely.



Why Oh Why?

I am so sad. Very sad. My heart is ripping apart.

My cat that I grew up with was put to sleep yesterday. I think she was unjustly put to sleep - so that my father can get rid of her. He says she was sick and not eating for the past 2 weeks. He never took her to the vet in the past 2 weeks to see what he could do for her. He never even told me she was sick. I'm not really happy with my father right now.

Actually, this euthanasia of my beloved cat has got me so angry with my father. Among the other things he has done to me over the past 9 months this is the cherry topper.

Honestly, the only reason I'm still talking to him is to get some furniture from his house in a week. After that, I think I will put a big distance b/w him and myself. He is really not my father anymore - he has change (i.e. 180 degrees) in the past 9 months that I hardly recognize him as the loving father that helped rear me.

Sorry to sound so depressed, but I'm very sad. I lost my Cassidy.

Is it wrong....

Is it wrong to enjoy away time from your kid?

I have been away from my 16 month old boy now for 5 days and I'm in heaven! I'm in a good mood all the time, just so happy to have my life back. I do love my child, but the freedom is so sweet. I do miss him at times, but 90% of the time, I'm glad he is away. Is there anything wrong with my thinking?

I will be rejoined with him tomorrow and we will then be on vacation at the beach for a week. Won't be a vacation for me - it will cause me much more work to take care of him in a different place. Ugh. I guess this past week has been my vacation.....